Grasstec offers a soil core sampler that is ideal for consultants or private use.
Made locally in Ireland from Stainless Steel, developed for easily taking high-quality samples.
The foot pedal makes it easy to take consistent samples even in difficult soils.
The cone holds samples until the area is finished and ready to bag.
Strong, robust construction, made to last.
The results of soil analysis are only as good as the sample on which it is based. To give reliable advice, a soil sample must be representative of the area sampled and be taken to a uniform depth (10cm).
The principle of soil analysis is to determine the average nutrient status of an area and to give a measure of the available nutrients in the soil. A sample normally consists of 0.25 – 0.5 kg of soil and this is taken to represent the entire sampling area or field.
- To take a soil sample it is essential to have a suitable soil corer
- Ensure soil cores are taken to the correct sampling depth of 100 mm (4”)
- Take a soil sample every 2 to 4 ha. (5-10 acres)
- Take separate samples from areas that are different in soil type, previous cropping history, slope, drainage or persistent poor yields
- Avoid any unusual spots such as old fences, ditches, drinking troughs, dung or urine patches or where fertiliser/manure or lime has been heaped or spilt in the past.
- Do not sample a field until 3 to 6 months after the last application of P and K and 2 years where lime was applied.
- Take a minimum of 20 soil cores, mix them together, and take a representative sub-sample for analysis, making sure the soil sample box is full.
- Take a representative soil sample by walking in a W shaped pattern across the sampling area.
- Sample fields at the same time of the year to aid comparisons of soil sample results and avoid sampling under extremes of soil conditions e.g. waterlogged or very dry soils.
- Place the soil sample in a soil box to avoid contamination and write the field number and advisor code on the soil box with a black permanent marker.