No. for Sale: 50
Breed: JEX
Ltrs/Cow: 5500
Herd Kg/Ms: 461
Herd Fat %: 4.54
Herd Protein %: 3.61
Due to Calve: Spring
Stock Description: This group of 50 Jersey x Friesian (JEX) calves combines the best traits of both breeds, offering exceptional genetic merit and strong production potential.
Production Capacity: The source herd averages 5,500 liters with milk solids—4.54% fat and 3.61% protein—these calves are bred for high solids. The Frisian influence in their lineage enhances their milk volume, while the Jersey genetics contribute to high solids. Coming from a grass-based system with 800 kg of meal, the high genetic merit of these calves ensures they have potential to significantly boost any herd’s productivity.
Unique Selling Point:These calves benefit from a well-balanced Jersey x Friesian cross, with a notable proportion of Friesian genetics for increased milk volume and Jersey traits for superior milk solids. Coming from a young herd with high PTA values, they represent a blend of high genetic merit and exceptional future performance.