Hanging scales for measuring the weight of grass.
1KG X 5g
Lightweight & easy to carry around.
Moulded in tough plastic
Zero Adjuster
How to Measure Grass Using a Quadrant, Shears and Scales
• A 0.5m x 0.5m quadrant is placed in an area that is representative of the amount of grass in
the paddock.
• Knock water off the grass before cutting if wet.
• The grass within the quadrat is cut to between 3.5 and 4cm.
• The following equation is used to calculate the DM yield in the paddock:
• Weight of grass (kg) x grass DM% x 40,000 = kg DM/ha in the paddock
Example: Grass cut within the quadrat weighs 200g (0.200 kg)
(Remember to subtract the weight of the empty bag) Grass DM% = 16% (0.16) 0.200 kg x 0.16 x
40,000 (there are 40,000 quadrants in a hectare) = 1,280 kg DM/ha.