No. for Sale: 55
Breed: Hol/Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 7130
Herd Kg/Ms: 617
Herd Fat %: 4.93
Herd Protein %: 3.48
Vaccinations: BVD, Lepto.
Due to Calve: Spring
In Calf To: Holstein Friesian Bull
Stock Description: A genuine sale of ALL the in-calf heifers well established and highly regarded pedigree herd. Selling as part of full herd sale – main herd is already sold. Nearly all these heifers are AI sired with meticulous selection yearly for production, legs & feet and functionality – key for the grass dominant system they are on. Breed fractions are showing 80-100% Holstein with the balance being Friesian. These heifers are very well grown.
Production Capacity: Fully milk recorded herd with multiple generations showing 305-day average of 617kgMS/cow from 7131ltrs/cow, 4.93% Fat and 3.48% Protein for this lactation year. Heifers are in-calf to pedigree Holstein Friesian bull with the majority calving in February and lesser number calving in March 2025. Scanning results available.
TB Status: 15 year clear TB history.
Health Status: Vaccinated for BVD and Lepto. Approx 15 years clear TB history.
Unique Selling Point: Pedigree Registered. High Production. These heifers represent ALL of the heifers bred on the farm. Genuine heifers and genuine reason for sale.