No. for Sale: 50
Breed: Br/Irish Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 6000
Herd Kg/Ms: 493
Herd Fat %: 4.32
Herd Protein %: 3.66
EBI: 220
Stock Description: They are well-grown, on target weight, and originate from a large, grass-based, fully milk-recorded herd. The herd is averaging 580-600kg liveweight which gives a good indication of the size and capabilities of these calves.
Production Capacity: The herd performance focus is solids and milk on 750kgs of meal. With a herd average yield of 6,000 liters per cow and good milk solids at 4.32% fat and 3.66% protein.
TB Status: 5
Health Status: Herd is vaccinated for IBR, Lepto and Salomonella with BVD free through testing.
Unique Selling Point: Well-grown calves come from a herd producing 6,000 liters per cow, focusing on high milk solids (4.32% fat, 3.66% protein). Fully vaccinated and BVD-free, they offer excellent potential. Large selection is available.