No. for Sale: 50
Breed: Br/Irish Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 5535
Herd Kg/Ms: 494
Herd Fat %: 4.91
Herd Protein %: 3.76
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto
Due to Calve: Spring
In Calf To: A Angus
Stock Description: Genuine surplus in calf heifers from a large spring calving herd, sired by Genus Irish Friesian AI sire's out of cross bred NZ type cows. These heifers will mature to be 520 kg cows. The heifers themselves are in great condition ahead of calving from the start of Feb majority in the first 6 weeks of the block and in calf to A Angus. The buyer can select a group of 20+ from a larger group ie, 20 from 30 or 40 from 60. Great opportunity to buy heifers from an established herd that offer you the milk solids of the NZ bred cross breds and the increased production introduced by the Irish Hol/Fr blood.
Production Capacity: The herd performance is very high in milk solids %, 4.91% fat and 3.76 % pro this achieved on a very much NZ style spring calving system with reliance on extensive grazing with minimal concentrate fed.
Age & Lactation: The heifers will all be calving in at 23-25 months of age.
TB Status: The herd is situated in a low risk are and the heifers are reared in a 12 month testing area with no history of tb ever been on the farm.
Health Status: The heifers are vaccinated for Ibr, Bvd and Lepto and come from a herd that Johnes monitors with no heifers from known high reading cows.
Unique Selling Point: Genuine homebred stock from a proven established herd with the combination of high milk solids from NZ cross bred herd and added production capability from the Irish Friesian sires.