No. for Sale: 50
Breed: Jersey
Ltrs/Cow: 5980
Herd Kg/Ms: 608
Herd Fat %: 5.94
Herd Protein %: 3.93
Due To Calve: The herd is Ayr calving, the calving pattern is as follows: 11 fresh calved Apr, May and June, 5 due July, 4 due Aug, 4 due Sep, 7 due Oct, 1 due Nov, 4 due Dec, 2 due Feb and 12 due Mar and 12 Apr (subject to scanning). They are in calf to Ai easy calving B Blue.
Stock Description:
The herd was established 5 years ago with maiden heifers purchased from the high yielding Menia herd. The herd looks very youthful with all the cows in lactation 3 and 4 as well known the longevity of Jersey’s is fantastic. These cows are very well balanced with deep dairy frames with well attached udders, the cows are in great body condition exhibiting good strength.
The herd until earlier in the year has been milked on a robot and more lately through a herringbone parlour, the cows were fully housed in cubicles whilst on the robot but since the parlour was commissioned earlier in the year they have had access to grazing.
Production Capacity: Production is around 6000 litres (592kg milk solids) per annum worked out from milk sales, currently averaging 5.94% fat 3.93% pro and SCC 67. The genetics of these cows would produce more and would respond to higher feed rate.
Herd Health: The herd is located in the low risk TB area of N Wales, the herd has not been vaccinated but has been regularly monitored for any disease. Johnes is monitored by random cows selected for sampling annually, no clinical cases have been seen on farm.
Unique Selling Point: The herd is for sale as a whole or would consider splitting by calving month. Viewing is highly recommended.