No. for Sale: 45
Breed: JEX
Average EBI: 246
Ltrs/Cow: 6010
Herd Kg/Ms: 533
Herd Fat %: 4.81
Herd Protein %: 3.82
Vaccinations: IBR, Lepto
Due to Calve: Spring
In Calf To: Dairy AI
Stock Description: This group are well ahead of target weight and are in great condition.
Production Capacity: This herd is in the Top 2% for Milk Price and constantly delivering over 500kg/ms. The PTAS for the group are .22 fat (4.8%) and .14 prot (3.9%) with a maintenance figure of 22 (530kg).
Unique Selling Point: 90% of the group are incalf to AI and calving in Feb.