No. for Sale: 34
Breed: JEX
Ltrs/Cow: 5500
Herd Kg/Ms: 460
Herd Fat %: 4.44
Herd Protein %: 3.61
Due To Calve: Spring
In Calf To: AA Stock Bulls
Stock Description: Very nice heifers coming from an xbred herd. These heifers are in great order and come from a herd with over 40 years of AI through them. The heifers are all AI sired and Genotyped and calving Feb/March 2025 to AA stock bull. These heifers would be a great investment for a start up or expading dairy farm as they have solids and milk behind them.
Production Capacity: With years of Ai complete in the herd it's hard to see fault with the figures being produced. The herd has 5 star ratings on Fat and Protein and is also 5 star on average milk price in the year.
Health Status: Milk Recorded
Unique Selling Point:
- All Ai sired for over 40+ years
- Genotyped Herd
- Large pick