No. for Sale: 34
Breed: JEX
Ltrs/Cow: 5500
Herd Kg/Ms: 460
Herd Fat %: 4.44
Herd Protein %: 3.61
EBI: 242
Stock Description: A really nice group of calves coming from a herd with over 40+ years of Ai in the herd. The herd is fully genotyoed giving the correct parentage and heifers have been weighed also throughout the year. The figures speak for themselves with this group PTA's reading 4.76% fat and 3.97% protein. The group has high generic merit to it and would be a great start up for a new entrant or expanding dairy farmer.
Production Capacity: Herd is primary grass and concentrates for the year and with the genetics of the animal they are producing a 5 star reading in both fat and protein and also milk price average. This shows the years of work that has gone into this group to make them perform very well.
Age & Lactation: 9-10 Months
Health Status: Fully milk recorded herd
Unique Selling Point:
- Over 40+ Years of Ai
- Fully Genotyped Herd
- 5 star rating on milk price and solids