No. for Sale: 32
Breed: Br/Irish Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 6329
Herd Kg/Ms: 518
Herd Fat %: 4.32
Herd Protein %: 3.64
EBI: 260
Vaccinations: IBR, Lepto, Salmonella
Due To Calve: Spring
In Calf To: Sexed Semen and Beef Ai
Stock Description: Very well conditioned heifers. One heifer born the first of March the rest Jan/Feb born which gives a really uniform bunch. All the dams have been classified also.
Production Capacity: The potential for these heifers to do 7000ltrs is there as can be seen in the generations of high quality breeding. This group will deliver exceptional solids for a Holstein/Friesian group, PTAs showing 4.72F and 3.90P. This is the full group of heifers so they are early calving and 19 of the 32 are incalf to Sexed Semen.
Unique Selling Point: 19/32 incalf to sexed semen. Classified, Ped Reg and milk recorded. High EBI, High Solids.