No. for Sale: 28
Breed: Br/Irish Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 6300
Herd Kg/Ms: 502
Herd Fat %: 4.19
Herd Protein %: 3.55
Vaccinations: Salmonella Lepto
Due to Calve: October/November
Stock Description:These heifers are all home bred and are looking very well. Heifers will be all calving over 2 years of age so have plenty of size and power to begin milking. All stock in calf to AA stock bull.
Production Capacity: Herd performance is a gras based system feeding between 750-1000kg of meal depending on the year. These heifers would be well able to produce more milk on a high input system and would be really nice on milk and solids throughout there milking.
Unique Selling Point: A strong group of 28 would make a great addition to any herd