No. for Sale: 26
Breed: JEX
Average EBI: 224
Ltrs/Cow: 5667
Herd Kg/Ms: 487
Herd Fat %: 4.54
Herd Protein %: 3.81
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto, Salmonella
Due to Calve: Spring
In Calf To: 15 in calf to Sexed Semen some in calf to conventional semen and beef bulls.
Stock Description: Real deep bodied crossbreed heifers in great condition showing real dairy qualities.
Production Capacity: This is a herd set up 2 years ago which will mean it will improve year on year. PTAs for the heifers showing 5.18f and 4.18p.
TB Status: 20 Years Free.
Unique Selling Point: Mostly in calf to Sexed Semen. Choice of 25 out of a group of 35. Exceptional solids.