No. for Sale: 25
Breed: Hol / Br Fr x Ayrshire
Ltrs/Cow: 6700
Herd Kg/Ms: 545
Herd Fat %: 4.3
Herd Protein %: 3.6
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto
Due To Calve: Spring
In Calf To: Named Hereford bulls
Stock Description: Homebred group of strong Holstein / British Friesian cross Ayrshire incalf heifers. The heifers are well grown with strength and capacity. They are all Ai sired by Cogent leading sires. There are a couple of pedigree Ayrshires in the group. They are due to calve in March 2025 to Hereford named bulls.
Production Capacity: The herd is run on a very simple grass based system. The herd is grazed extensively. In the winter Maize / grass silage and parlour cake is fed. The milk is sold on a constituents contract. These heifers have the production genetics within them to go and perform. They are 8000 litre type cattle once mature.
Age & Lactation: 24 months old at first calving.
TB Status: Clear
Health Status: The milk from the herd is sold on a premium assured contract and as such has health protocols in place. The herd is BVD accredited and Johnes monitored with quarterly milk testing. There is very low incidence and there is no issue with these heifers for sale. The herd is run as a closed unit.
Unique Selling Point:
- Homebred, closed herd.
- Powerful well grown heifers calving at 24 months of age.
- They will suit any production system and will perform.