No. for Sale: 21
Breed: Br/Irish Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 5850
Herd Kg/Ms: 483
Herd Fat %: 4.44
Herd Protein %: 3.66
EBI: 260
Vaccinations: IBR, Blackleg
Stock Description: 21 Bulling Heifers for sale. Fully milk recorded herd with bulls at stud in previous years. All Homebred stock with key focuses on milk kgs of solids on a low input grass based system. Currently on new grass with ample allocation.
Production Capacity: Herd performance has consistently produced over 480 kgs of milk solids over the past 4 years with expansion taken place and selective breeding and voluntary culling in the herd to achieve higher genetic gain. With a Herd EBI of 229 in 2023 placing them selves in the top 1% in the country. On genetic evaluation these animals have predicted yield capabilities of up to 6350 litres at 4.8% butterfat and 3.9% protein.
Age & Lactation: 8-9
TB Status: C10
Health Status: Herd has been TB free for over 15 years, no issues, could export test for UK market.
Unique Selling Point:
- Genotyped
- Dams achieving in excess 550kg/ms
- High Health Status