No. for Sale: 20
Average EBI: €254
Breed: Jersey/Nz Fr/Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 5850
Herd Kg/Ms: 515
Herd Fat %: 4.7
Herd Protein %: 3.84
Stock Description: 20 Xbred calves coming from a top performing grass-based herd achieving high solids from an average feed intake of 750kg.
Production Capacity: The source herd itself is in the top 1% for Fat and Protein throughout the year, supplying +514kgs/MS based on 305 day average lactation. PTA's for the group are displaying upwards of 9% solids with a milk SI of +€86.
Unique Selling Point: High genetic merit: Average EBI: €254 Fat: 5.11% Protein: 4.01%. Good TB free history in the herd.