No. for Sale: 20
Breed: Hol/Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 8000
Herd Kg/Ms: 663
Herd Fat %: 4.34
Herd Protein %: 3.71
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto, Salmonella.
Due To Calve: Autumn
In Calf To: B Blue AI & A Angus Stock Bull
Stock Description: A nice group of Holstein/Friesian Oct-Nov calving cows, a decision to cut cow numbers due to large number of heifers entering the herd brings onto the market the end of the autumn calving block. These cows are 600 - 650 kg live weight cows small stature Holsteins crossed onto Irish bred Holstein Friesians. These cows have strength whilst maintaining dairy character.
Production Capacity: The herd is producing over 8000 litres (663 kg milk solids) from a 650 kg cow, very efficient cows bred for longevity and milk solids with a emphasis on milk protein. This sale group of 20 averaged in their last lactations 9506 litres 4.04% fat 3.81% protein.
Lactation: The cows look a youthfull group given they are mixed ages. Lac 1 = 2, lac 2 = 4, lac 3 = 4, lac 4 = 3, lac 5 = 2, lac 6 = 2 and lac 7 = 3.
TB Status: The herd is in the tb edge area, the herd is tested every 12 months with no cases ever been on farm.
Health Status: The herd is Johnes monitored with no red cows in the sale group, the herd is vaccinated in January for Bvd, IBR, Lepto and Salmonella.
Unique Selling Point: Milky cows just ready to transition into your herd before calving and hit the ground running.