No. for Sale: 20
Breed: Jersey
Ltrs/Cow: 5370
Herd Kg/Ms: 510
Herd Fat %: 5.25
Herd Protein %: 4.05
Due to Calve: Autumn
In Calf To: Jersey
Stock Description: Typical Jersey type - feminine and dairy like but a group with size and depth.
Production Capacity: 5430 ltrs per cows with exceptionally high fat and protein percentage 5.2% and 4.05%. Currently on grass based system with low concentrates input. High quality milk supplying both a major co-op based milk buyer and local yoghurt producer.
Lactation: Mixture of lactations but most are going into second to fourth lactations.
TB Status: 12 clear TB history since the herd was established.
Health Status: Long TB clear history.
Unique Selling Point: Best option to maximise return from A+B-C payment system. Exceptionally high solids with good litres output - guarantees high milk prices and bonuses through the late Autumn and Winter supply months.