No. for Sale: 20
Breed: Hol, Swedish Red and Montbeliadre Cross
Ltrs/Cow: 8500
Herd Kg/Ms: 670
Herd Fat %: 4.6
Herd Protein %:3.32
Vaccinations: BVD
Due to Calve: Autumn
Stock Description: The farm has been procross breeding for over 10 years, and the results show very good fertility, milk solids, and correct strong cattle. They are all in calf to mostly AI Angus bulls and few to Hereford. They are all in calf to mostly AI Angus bulls and few to Hereford.The cattle are all AI sired by the following bulls, Olifly, Ascori, Fanof, Hakvin. There are 2 by a Montibeliarde sire, 14 by Holstein, and 4 by the Swedish red sire. The herd is rotationally crossed with these 3 breeds..
Production Capacity: The mature weight of the cows would be about 600 kg. The herd is milk recorded and fed a simple diet of parlour concentrates and maize, and grass silage. They graze extensively as ground conditions allow. They would respond well to higher inputs.
Unique Selling Point: hese heifers are very well bred, are on target and have been reared very well from a top farming business, and will be a great addition to your herd this autumn.