No. for Sale: 20
Breed: Hol/Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 6450
Herd Kg/Ms: 564
Herd Fat %: 4.75
Herd Protein %: 3.74
Vaccinations: BVD, Lepto
Due to Calve: Late Spring
In Calf To: Hereford - B Blue
Stock Description: Here we have a nice group of end of block cows coming from a split block herd. The group are predominantly Holstein-Friesian with a few with a small amount of Jersey blood. Most of the cows would be 550-600kg live weight. Due to calve from mid April in a 6 week block in calf to Hereford or B Blue. The herd is a very well managed split block herd that maximises milk from forage and in particular grazed grass. The cows are cubicle housed and milked through a herringbone parlour.
Production Capacity:The herd achieves great results from a simple system with the autumn and spring blocks having an annual average yield 6450 litres 4.75% fat 3.74% pro. Achieved from high forage diet and parlour feed.
Age & Lactation: There is a cross section of ages as follows. Lac 1 = 3, Lac 2 = 5, Lac 3 = 2, Lac 4 = 3, Lac 5 = 3 and 2 in Lac 6. All cows are looking youthful and are functionally correct.
TB Status: The herd is located in a TB4 area.
Health Status: The herd is Johnes monitored with no high cows in the group. They are up to date for vaccinations for Bvd and Lepto.
Unique Selling Point: Nice group of youthful cows that would suit a variety of systems, in calf to beef sires calving ahead of high milk price seasonality.