No. for Sale: 19
Breed: FRX
Ltrs/Cow: 5500
Herd Kg/Ms: 481
Herd Fat %: 4.75
Herd Protein %: 3.75
EBI: 250
Stock Description: A really nice group of bulling heifers for sale. These heifers are looking very well and there is a nice number for a start up or to improve genetics. Has real value in his stock and performance is always very good from these animals. All animals are Genotyped and a number of them have EBIs in excess of 300!
Production Capacity: Herd is producing 5500ltrs every year with solids of 4.75 % fat and 3.75% protein. This is all complete on a grass based system and feeding 600-800kg of meal. Heifers have great generic merit in them.
TB Status: C10
Unique Selling Point:
- Fully Genotyped
- Milk Recorded herd
- AI Sired