No. for Sale: 17
Breed: JEX
Ltrs/Cow: 5680
Herd Kg/Ms: 497
Herd Fat %: 4.7
Herd Protein %: 3.8
Stock Description: Here we have a group of 17 in calf heifers due from 14th Sep in a 5 week block, in calf to A Angus. These heifers originate from a very good spring calving herd that dispersed last year. Therefore they are March born so will be calving in at 29/30 months of age. They are Ai sired by Friesian and cross bred bulls from LIC and CRV.
Production Capacity: The cows these heifers were out of were 520 kg cross bred cows bred for milk solids and fertility.
Unique Selling Point: The heifers come from a farm that has never had TB, and are in a good TB area. A nice small group of heifers that are in good condition that will go on a do well in a variety of systems.