No. for Sale: 16
Breed: JEX
Ltrs/Cow: 6000
Herd Kg/Ms: 534
Herd Fat %: 4.84
Herd Protein %: 3.81
EBI: 272
Vaccinations: Lepto, Salmonella
Due To Calve: Spring
In Calf To: Sexed Semen & Beef
Stock Description: Here we have a really nice group of heifers for sale. These heifers are in great order and come from a top performing herd. Heifers are all Ai sired and all genotyped also. With an average EBI of 272 these heifers are in the top 1% in performance. PTA's for the group are coming in at 4.88% fat and 3.9% protein.
Production Capacity: The herd is acheiving over 520kgs of milk solids year in year out. This shows the genetics in the herd and the years of work that is put into them. The herd is in the top 1% in Ireland for solids both fat and protein achieving 5 stars every year. The herd is fully genotyped and herd has also had bulls in the Ai station. Herd has achieved a top price of 60c per litre for the month of August also which shows the real potential in this group.
TB Status: c10
Health Status: Vaccinated and Milk Recording
Unique Selling Point:
- All Ai Sired
- Fully Genotyped group
- High PTA's group
- Fully Milk Recorded
- Herd Builders to achieve top milk price