No. for Sale: 15
Breed: JEX
Ltrs/Cow: 5500
Herd Kg/Ms: 466
Herd Fat %: 4.56
Herd Protein %: 3.68
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto, Salmonella
Due To Calve: Spring
In Calf To: Fr AI
Stock Description: Selection of spring calving heifers for sale. Coming from a herd with an excellent TB free status of 40 years plus. All heifers are genotyped and scanned to calve Feb/March 2025.
Production Capacity: Herd performance is exceptional with milk price in top 7% in the co op with 460 kgs of milk solids delivered in 2023 on moderate concentrate input and grass. Heifers have the capabilities to deliver up to 4.7% butterfat and 4% protein.
TB Status: C10
Health Status: No issues with TB in this herd. Herd test October 2024.
Unique Selling Point:
- High solids
- Robust grass based animal
- Genotyped