No. for Sale: 15
Breed: Br/Irish Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 5600
Herd Kg/Ms: 507
Herd Fat %: 4.95
Herd Protein %: 3.84
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto
Due To Calve: Summer
In Calf To: Friesian stock bull
Stock Description: Here we have a very nice group of spring calved cows still milking around 15 litres due to calve next May-June to Friesian stock bull. The cows are Holstein Friesian as a main 520-550 kg liveweight. They are from a very well managed grazing herd and will convert into very profitable summer-autumn calving cows. The cows are in great condition and look very youthful with well attached udders, all milking on 4 quarters with good feet and legs. All cows are cubicle trained and herringbone parlour milked.
Production Capacity: The herd is a spring calving extensive grazed herd achieving great results over 500kg milk solids sold, 5700 litres, 4.95% fat & 3.84% pro. The cows would have the ability to achieve higher yields on a more intensive autumn system.
Age & Lactation: The cows look a youthful group the age breakdown is as follows, lac 1 = 5, lac 2 = 1, lac 3 = 2, lac 4 = 2, lac 5 = 3 and 2 in lac 6.
TB Status: The herd has no major tb breakdown and is in a 6 month testing area. The cows are tested and ready to move.
Health Status: The herd has been Bvd tag and tested with no PI's. They are on an Arla contract therefore indivual Johnes monitoring is done with only J1 and J2 in the group. They are vaccinated for Ibr, Bvd and lepto.
Unique Selling Point: Quality cows that can be bought at value and put milk in the tank before calving down in time for maximum milk seasonality payment next season.