No. for Sale: 14
Breed: Jersey/Nz Fr/Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 5500
Herd Kg/Ms: 463
Herd Fat %: 4.54
Herd Protein %: 3.64
EBI: 235
Vaccinations: IBR, Lepto, Salmonella
Due To Calve: Late Spring
In Calf To: Angus Ai Belgian blue Ai Speckle park, Charolais
Stock Description: Straight group of genuine milking cows for sale. All scanned charolais in calf to predominately beef sires scanned to calve from mid March to first week of April. All genotyped
Production Capacity: Herd is currently yielding 17.5 litres average with high constituents. This group will potentially have higher yields due later calving date than the average in the herd.
Age & Lactation: 1st to 8th lactation
TB Status: C1
Health Status: Herd is covering all major vaccinations
Unique Selling Point:
- Cheap milk
- Low scc
- Genuine stock