No. for Sale: 110
Breed: Hol x N Red x Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 7380
Herd Kg/Ms: 610
Herd Fat %: 4.51
Herd Protein %: 3.52
Vaccinations: Lepto IBR BVD
Caling Pattern: Mar/Apr born heifer calves
Stock Description:AI sired by Norwegian Red or Holstein or Friesian, bred out of 3 way cross cows with the same breeding. All born in a 7 week block. This is very well run herd of cows, never had TB on farm and in a 12 month testing area, Johnes monitored. The herd have exceptional fertility that has resulted in these surplus heifers being available.
Production Capacity: They are bred from a herd of large size x bred cows (640 kg) that are performing very well, 7400 litres of which 5500 litres from forage. These really are stretchy wide, long deep heifers in great condition. If these animals were in an autumn or AYR herd they would have potential to be 8500 + litre cows.
Unique Selling Point: A rare opportunity to purchase a large group of calves all from 1 farm. Ideal for a new start up and they would fit into any type of production system