No. for Sale: 110
Breed: Pro Cross
Ltrs/Cow: 7850
Herd Kg/Ms: 650
Herd Fat %: 4.51
Herd Protein %: 3.52
Stock Description: Large group of homebred surplus Pro Cross heifers, due to great sexed semen results and ongoing excellent fertility, this autumn block calving herd has a surplus to sell. Many are out of imported heifers from Denmark. Sired by either Swedish Red or small stature Holstein with a small amount of Monty breeding. The older half are big enough to serve now and younger half will be ready to serve in 2-3 months time. The heifers are in their working clothes out wintered on big bale forage.
Production Capacity: The herd is achieving 7850 litres, 4.51% Fat and 3.52% Pro. Housed and partial TMR fed in winter and grazed in early spring through to dry off. Achieving 650kg milk solids from a 650kg live weight cow.
Age & Lactation: All the heifers are born from July 23 - Dec 23.
TB Status: The herd is in a 12 month testing area and has never had any issues.
Health Status: The herd is monitored for Johnes and no heifers are out of known high reading cows. The herd regularly tests for IBR, BVD and Lepto.
Unique Selling Point: Large group of maidens from a herd that is performing well. The genetics would suit a variety of systems.