No. for Sale: 11
Breed: Irish HF/NWR
Ltrs/Cow: 8000
Herd Kg/Ms: 662
Herd Fat %: 4.58
Herd Protein %: 3.45
Vaccinations: IBR BVD Lepto
Due to Calve: October / November
In Calf to: They are in calf to named sire Aberdeen Angus bulls
Stock Description: AI sired by small stature Irish Holstein Friesian and Viking Red bulls. The herd has great fertility and production. These heifers are health vaccinated and herd monitored with no issues. The herd is quarterly checked for Johnes and there are no issues with these heifers.
Production Capacity: Strong robust heifers that are capable of product over 8000 LTRS with high solids.
Unique Selling Point: They are well grown and present a good opportunity to buy in good performing genetics from a great herd.